Peter Gillman Training

If you are looking for a trainer with decades of teaching experience, a proven track record and a distinguished career in journalism, Peter Gillman is the one for you. Peter has been training writers and journalists for more than thirty years.  He has run his workshops and courses across the full range of specialist, consumer and B2B publications, covering business sectors from insurance and construction to public utilities and pharmaceuticals.   He also works with companies and regulatory bodies, using the same skills and principles  to help improve their internal and external communications.

He has an outstanding record in tutoring both young and experienced journalists and writers, drawing out the best in them and giving them the confidence to move on to the next level. He is the trainer editors and publishers turn to when they want to stay ahead of the competition.  He is also the go-to trainer when editors are having problems with their staff – missing deadlines, failing to make the most of their stories, making potentially costly mistakes.

He shows specialist writers how to build expertise and authority in their territories, bringing home exclusives and winning awards that bring acclaim to both them and their publications. He has an outstanding set of testimonials that bear witness to the respect he has earned from journalists, editors and publishers.

Peter’s strength lies in identifying the individual strengths and weaknesses of journalists and writers – and in building on the former and solving the latter. He tailors his training to the needs of both the journalists and their publications – these are not off-the-shelf courses!   He is adept at confronting the challenges of writing clearly and concisely in the face of corporate pressures.

Peter’s courses help meet the needs of the shifting media landscape, as editors and publishers confront the demands of the new media and operating across multiple platforms. They also provide a salutary reminder of the importance of content and the journalist mind-set, whatever the medium or platform.

Throughout his training career, Peter has remained an active professional journalist. He draws on a life-time’s experience of reporting, writing and editing.

Journalists and editors will discover they are being taught by someone who knows writing from the inside, and has operated at the highest level, whether interviewing a rock star or reporting from a war zone. Peter has been there and done it – and he enjoys sharing his knowledge and expertise with new generations of writers and journalists.

So take a look at Peter’s website to see what he has to offer. Then call or email to discuss your needs and how Peter can meet them.

Email:    Phone: 07813 443395

“I can’t recommend Peter’s training highly enough. He not only equips journalists with tools that will last a lifetime, he inspires them and provides a great reminder of why we enter journalism in the first place. Every reporter should be thoroughly grounded in the Gillman approach to news, feature writing and interviewing.”  Ellen Bennett, Editor Utility Week, Content Director (Utilities) Faversham House

“Peter is an expert in his field.  Over the years I have seen him help, nurture and develop dozens of journalists at different stages of their careers.  He is particularly gifted and helping new starters understand the mind-set of a news room and the basics of feature writing, but that is only one of his talents.  Peter provides superb technical writing workshops, enjoyable interviewing training and expert help in writing for the web.  I have no hesitation in recommending his work.”  Tom Broughton, former editor Insurance Times; Group Director Content and Events UBM EMEA.

“His courses are superb, generating commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism throughout the editorial team”.  Andy Cook, former editor Insurance Times; Group Publisher, Timetric Financial.

 “Peter Gillman’s training sessions work in so many ways: he gets journalists to really think about structure, tighten up news lines, and helps them spot when the follow-up questions that produce the best stories should be asked. He also encourages people to challenge his ideas, which helps both develop Peter’s training methods, and encourages his journalists to better understand their strengths and styles.

“Most of all, Peter is inspirational: virtually every journalist I have worked with who was trained by him and gone on to do well came out of his sessions wanting to break a big story. Too many journalists talk about getting ‘the line’. Those of us who were trained by Peter also want the detail and the whole story, which keeps you interested in the job, wins awards and develops careers.”

Mark Leftly, former political writer and editor  for Independent, Independent on Sunday, Time magazine and others; now head of public affairs at Powerscourt  consultancy.  

“I trained with Peter as a journalist at the Builder Group.  Ten years later I asked him to help improve the writing skills of a team of property researchers. I realised then how much Peter’s teachings on structure and technique had formed the backbone to my writing, and his new course showed that these were also relevant and useful for my colleagues in the corporate world. Peter is always well-prepared, with individual advice for trainees.  He has an encouraging and accessible style which left my team keen to put his ideas into practice.”

Andrea Carpenter, former head of research and deputy director, INREV